πŸ“½οΈChoosing a live streaming solution

There are a few options out there for you to choose from. We're reviewed the best.

πŸ•΅οΈβ€β™‚οΈ Check your existing booking system

First things first - your existing booking system might already have an easy way for you to deliver live streamed exercise - many now have pre-built integrations with live streaming platforms. If this is the case, that's probably the best (and quickest) way for you to get your classes online, so check with your booking system first.

If you don't use a booking system, then it might be worth quickly checking out this section to see if it makes sense for you to start using one:

πŸ“£Getting your live streamed classes out there

🎬 Select a live stream solution that works for you

There are a few options to choose from and it’s important to make sure you are comfortable with whichever solution you use. The happier and more relaxed you are, the more this will reassure your online participants.

Here's an overview of the main options, with further detail available in this section. Each option is fairly simple to set up and use, so take a look and pick the one that works best for you.

Best for:

  • Large or small interactive classes, where you want to see and hear from participants.

  • Paid-for classes (you can generate unique URLs per class to send to participants).

Good to know:

  • There is a free option (limited to 40 mins per broadcast without a recording option). The paid for plan starts at Β£11.99.

Using ZoomUsing Facebook LiveUsing Instagram LiveUsing Youtube Live

Last updated